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The OAI Crew
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Building Erector
Rob... Rob.... Ahh yes, Rob Winters. The giant thumb in the shop who, really, truly does NOT speak unless spoken to. Rob has a laugh that will probably leave you with a little uncertainty whether or not he's going to actually eat you.
On the greener side of the fence, Rob brings years of experience to the OAI Team much like everyone else here. He's always a happy go luckY dude much like his Building ERECTing partner Brad Mills.
On a final note, if you're ever looking for Rob in the shop simply look for the dude with Paul Stanley hair. Maybe not so dark.
Here's what Rob Winter had to say: 1) What is your job title and what does that entail? - Buildign Erector. Erect Buildings, patch buildings, repair and refurbish 2) Provide a quick bio on how you became part of the OAI Team: Referred to OAI by Brad Mills. The guys needed more builders, while looking for a change in life i was presented with this opportunity and I took it. It's been a great place for a new challenge. 3) A few favoriate things you enjoy about the OAI Group of Folks: A great very fun and energetic environment. Good guys working here.