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The OAI Crew
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Administrator/Receptionist/Mother Away From Home
According to the office, friendly mother like figure - Trish Wagner has been part of the OAI Group for "18 months, 29days, 1 hour and 9 minutes".
A little of what Trish had to say is:
1) What is your job title and what does that entail? - Administrator (baby sitting everyone) - A/R, A/P, Bank Relations, Research and Payroll
2) Provide a quick bio on how you became part of the OAI Team: I was hired because of my quick wit & red hair. Aside from my red hair and good looks I was also hired as Taber Oilfield Equipment (now Diablo Oilfield Equipment) & Warthogs' first receptionist/administrator/girl friday.
3) A few favoriate things you enjoy about the OAI Group of Folks: I really like working with everybody here. We have an excellant group of people and the bosses are really great. As long as your work is getting done, they are super about family time off. |